Таганрогский институт имени А.П. Чехова


расписание занятий для студентов и преподавателей
Реквизиты для оплаты обучения и стоимость обучения




Телефоны факультетов, кафедр и структурных подразделений ТИ имени А.П. Чехова



Новости  все

08 октября, 2013

A tribute to 155th birthday of Anton Chekhov

II International Contest of linguistic, cultural, and film studies projects dedicated to life and oeuvre of Anton Chekhov

Organizer: Anton Chekhov Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute.

Information support:

Taganrog State Literary and Historical Museum tgliamz.ru/
Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation (Rostov-on-Don Branch)
Russian Guild of film critics www.kinopressa.ru
Russian Association for Film and Media Education: eduof.ru/mediaeducation

Anton Chekhov Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute announces the Second International Contest of linguistic, cultural, and film studies projects dedicated to life and oeuvre of Anton Chekhov, whose creative work have had and still have enormous impact on world literature. The aim of the contest is to contribute to promotion of Anton Chekhov’s oeuvre in the 21st century.

Time limits of the contest: from December 1, 2013 to December 1, 2014.

The contest is conducted within the following nominations:

  1. For professionals – literature experts, linguists, cultural and film studies experts, and other specialists who study the oeuvre of A.P.Chekhov.
  2. For Ph.D. students.
  3. For Bachelor and Master students.

Every nomination accepts the following published or unpublished projects:

  • Monographs;
  • Study guides;
  • Scientific collections of articles;
  • Articles;
  • Documentary and feature films (screen adaptations of Anton Chekhov’s works, films about his life);
  • Documentary and feature film reviews (featuring screen adaptations of Anton Chekhov’s works or his life).

The contest accepts:

  • Previously published works (monographs, study manuals, articles and collections of articles, film reviews) in Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Belorussian languages. Works not published previously are only accepted in the Russian language.
  • Recorded on DVDs documentary and feature films (screen adaptations of Anton Chekhov’s works, films about his life) in Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Belorussian languages.

All materials sent to the contest are not mailed back.

The students and Ph.D. students works should be accompanied by the review of the academic advisor with the specification of his/her degree and name of the university.

The following projects are not accepted: novels, stories, plays, scripts. The works that have already taken part in the First International Contest of linguistic, cultural, and film studies projects dedicated to life and oeuvre of Anton Chekhov are not accepted.

The announcement of the results of the competitions: December 2014- January 2015.

Contest applications/works are to be sent in a single copy (published or printed papers, electronic copies, DVDs) to the following address:

Scientific Centre of Anton Chekhov Studies

Literature Chair

Anton Chekhov Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute

48, Initziativnaya St.

Taganrog 347936


E-mail: kaflit@rambler.ru

The ceremony of awards will take place in hometown of the great writer – Taganrog on his 155th birthday – on January 29th, 2015.

Articles and reviews of the contest winners will be published in the anniversary collection of works dedicated to the event.


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